Thursday, 8 January 2015


AP Photo / John Minchillo



10 Januari, 2015 (Day 04)

03.05 WIB - Salah satu pelaku, Hayat Boumeddienen belum tertangkap. Ia diduga berada di salah satu negara Timur Tengah, Syria. Ia dilaporkan pernah mendatangi Turki pada 2 Januari lalu.

02.43 WIB - Lassana Bathily jadi salah satu topik pembicaraan di Prancis. Ia adalah seorang muslim yang bekerja di toko kelontong Yahudi tempat penyanderaan terjadi. Ia dianggap pahlawan karena menyembunyikan beberapa pelanggan di sebuah tempat toko tersebut.

21.15 WIB - Empat nama korban tewas dalam serangan di toko kelontong Yahudi di timur Paris dipublikasikan. Mereka adalah Yoav Hattab, Philippe Braham, Yohan Cohen and Francois-Michel Saada.

19.50 WIB - Salah seorang terduga tersangka penembakan Charlie Hebdo, Mourad Hamyd dibebaskan oleh polisi. Sebelumnya namanya disebut jadi bagian tiga pelaku penembakan. Namun saat kejadian, ia dilaporkan tengah berada di dalam kelas.

16.10 WIB - Seorang imam di Paris mengaku mengenal salah satu penembak Charlie Hebdo. "Ia orang baik, tapi aku 'kehilangannya' dua-tiga tahun lalu."

15.35 WIB - Harian di Prancis mengeluarkan headline antara lain: "End of Bloody Path" (le dauphine), "Resist" (Liberation), dan "Death of the Killers" (Le Figaro). 

9 Januari, 2015 (Day 03)

00.19 WIB - Empat sandera tewas, beberapa polisi dilaporkan cedera.

00.02 WIB - Salah satu pelaku penyanderaan di toko kelontong timur kota Paris, berhasil melarikan diri.

23.34 WIB - Polisi menyerbu toko kelontong tempat penyanderaan. Suara ledakan dan peluru terdengar. Beberapa saat kemudian, terlihat beberapa sandera berhasil dibebaskan.

23.22 WIB - Serangan juga dilancarkan pada dua bersaudara pelaku penembakan Charlie Hebdo. Keduanya dilaporkan tewas.

20.45 WIB - Pelaku penyanderaan di toko kelontong teridentifikasi. Keduanya adalah Amedy Coulibaly, 33 tahun dan Hayat Boumeddiene, 22 tahun. Pada 2009, Amedy sempat bertemu Presiden Prancis kala itu Nicholas Sarkozy.

19.55 WIB - Di tempat lain, teror terjadi. Ada penyekapan di sebuah toko kelontong di timur Paris.

17.56 WIB - Situasi terakhir lokasi penggerebekan pelaku penembakan Charlie Hebdo.

17.50 WIB - Terduga teroris Charlie Hebdo terperangkap di dalam gedung.

17.44 WIB - Telepon polisi, penyerang Charlie Hebdo sebut siap mati sebagai martir.

17.36 WIB - Polisi siapkan tank untuk menghadang pelaku.

16.43 WIB - Kejar pelaku, polisi juga kerahkan serbuan dari udara.

16.29 WIB - Akibat pengejaran ini, satu pesawat batal mendarat di bandara sekitar lokasi.

16.08 WIB - Setidaknya dua tewas dan 20 terluka dalam baku tembak antara polisi dan terduga pelaku.

16.03 WIB - Lokasi pengejaran terduga pelaku teror di Paris.

15.51 WIB - Diduga ada sandera. Suara letusan pun terdengar dari lokasi pengejaran.

15.43 WIB - Polisi lakukan pengejaran terhadap orang yang diduga terlibat penembakan Charlie Hebdo.

13.54 WIB - Grafis perburuan tiga pelaku penembakan kantor Charlie Hebdo.

08.56 WIB - Setidaknya 80 ribu aparat terlibat dalam pengejaran terduga pelaku.

02.56 WIB - Kolumnis Charlie Hedbo, selamat dari serangan karena telat mengikuti rapat redaksi.

“I was at this meeting when Jean Luc, the graphic artist called me to tell me: ‘You have to come here quickly, they have shot at us with a Kalashnikov,’” an emotional Pelloux told AFP

02.35 WIB - Lampu Menara Eiffel redup, berkabung atas kasus Charlie Hedbo.

Hal yang sama dilakukan Hotel Paris di Las Vegas, pada 11.01 WIB.

8 Januari, 2015 (Day 02)

21.45 - Bentuk dukungan terhadap Charlie Hebdo.

20.13 WIB - Edisi pekan depan, Charlie Hebdo akan tetap terbit. Rencananya mereka akan mencetak satu juta edisi, jauh lebih banyak ketimbang edisi reguler mereka (30-60 ribu eksemplar).

19.43 WIB - AFP sebut beberapa penyerangan terjadi di sejumlah masjid penjuru Paris.

19.12 WIB - Tagar #JeSuisAhmed pertama kali dikicaukan oleh @Julelmeghribi. Digunakan untuk mengenang Ahmed Merabet, polisi muslim yang juga jadi korban serangan itu.

18.28 WIB – Mengutip AFP, Charlie Hebdo dikabarkan akan tetap terbit normal pekan depan.

18.22 WIB – Di sejumlah forum, Muslim dibully habis-habisan. Tapi yang mendukung pun tak kalah vokal.

“Please get your voices heard. If you don't speak, the only Muslim voice we hear is a terrorist's,” imgur user u/CarltheMexicanWhoopingLlama.

17.58 WIB – Protes dan aksi belasungkawa di kota-kota besar Eropa, semalam.

16.57 WIB – Polisi yang tertembak di penyerangan di selatan Paris, tewas.

16.35 WIB – Kepada Telegraph, teman sekolah Hamid, salah satu terduga tersangka penembakan Charlie Hebdo menyatakan Hamid ada di kelas saat peristiwa terjadi.

Classmates of Hamyd Mourad say he was in school here yesterday at the time of the attack on the Paris office of the weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. "We all saw him," said Ines, 17. Kamel, 18, added: "He's studying for the science baccalaureat (equivalent of A levels) and he's a quiet, serious guy who lives with his parents. How could the media report that he was homeless and mixed up with terrorism?"

Hamyd Mourad, 18, is in police custody after handing himself in last night following reports that he was suspected of being the driver of the getaway car. Police sources say he has not been charged.

16.05 WIB – Sebuah akun di Reddit /u/IdrawMuhammad memposting gambar nabi dalam judul, “Aku menggambar Muhammad dan akan terus menggambarnya hingga akhir tahun.” Postingan ini dikomentari  oleh hampir 1.500 orang dalam tiga jam. 

14.43 WIB – Serangan lain terjadi di selatan Prancis, satu polisi terluka.

13.07 WIB – Media berduka atas kasus Charlie Hebdoe.

08.52 WIB – Dua lainnya masih dalam pengejaran. Polisi Prancis mengeluarkan edaran meminta bantuan masyarakat bila mengetahui informasi keberadaan mereka.

08.29 WIB – Salah seorang pelaku, Hamyd Mourad, 18 tahun menyerahkan diri. 

07.51 WIB – Daftar lengkap 12 korban penembakan di Charlie Hebdo.

06.34 WIB – NBC sempat mengabarkan satu pelaku berhasil ditembak mati. Namun informasi tersebut belum bisa dikonfirmasi.

Le Monde menyatakan hingga saat ini belum ada pelaku tertangkap.

06.01 WIB – Pelaku dikejar hingga Reims, kota di perbatasan Prancis dan Jerman.

05.05 WIB – Tiga pelaku teridentifikasi. Ketiganya adalah Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi, dan Hamyd Mourad.

04.27 WIB – Setidaknya 3.000 aparat terlibat dalam pengejaran skala besar-besaran terhadap tiga pelaku penembakan kantor Charlie Hebdo. Polisi disebut telah mengetahui identitas ketiganya.

03.25 WIB – Vatican ikut berkabung dengan tragedi Charlie Hebdo.

The pope expresses firm condemnation for the attempt in the office of the weekly satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” that cost the lives of twelve people. As said in a statement by father Federico Lombardi, director of the press room of the Holy See.

The Holy Father expresses the firmest condemnation for the attack that marred this morning in the city of Paris with a high number of victims, sowing death, throwing into dismay the entirety of French society, deeply upsetting all people who love peace, far outside the confines of France.

The Pope is praying for those suffering and hurt and for the families of the dead and exhorts everyone to oppose by any means efforts to spread hate and any form of violence, physical and moral, that destroys human life, violates human dignity, radically undermines the fundamental good of peaceful coexistence between individuals and peoples, nonwithstanding differences of nationality, religion and culture.

Whatever the motivation, homicidal violence is abominable, it is never justifiable, the life and dignity of everyone is guaranteed and protected with determination, any incitement of hate should be rejected, respect for the other should be cultivated.

The pope expresses his closeness to, his spiritual solidarity and his support for everyone who, based on their different responsibilities, continue to work diligently for peace, justice and the law, for healing the deep wounds and causes of hate, in this hurtful and dramatic moment in France and every part of the world marked by tension and violence.

02.37 WIB – Putri salah satu korban, Georges Wolinski memposting gambar di Instagram. Dengan caption, “Papa berpulang, tapi tidak Wolinski.”

Une photo publiée par @wolinskikiki le

01.00 WIB – Berikut adalah beberapa edisi kontroversial Charlie Hebdo.

00.54 WIB – Pro-kontra media menyensor liputan Charlie Hebdo. Beberapa media seperti Telegraph dan New York Times mengaburkan gambar Nabi Muhammad yang terpampang di cover majalah satir tersebut.

00.45 WIB – Demonstrasi di Prancis. Pendemo berteriak, “Charlie, Charlie.”

00.04 WIB – Sejarah singkat Charlie Hebdo.

7 Januari, 2015 (Day 01)

23.45 WIB – Mobil yang digunakan untuk menyerang Charlie Hebdo diderek polisi. Pelaku masih bebas.

23.34 WIB – Reaksi kartunis usai serangan ke Charlie Hebdo.

A photo posted by Banksy (@banksy) on

22.45 WIB – Prancis kibarkan bendera setengah tiang.

22.38 WIB – Editor Charlie Hebdo, Charb masuk dalam daftar 13 orang yang diincar Al-Qaeda.

22.09 WIB – Pada 2012 lalu, Gedung Putih sempat mempertanyakan alasan Charlie Hebdo mempublikasikan gambar Nabi Muhammad. Di sejumlah negara muslim, Prancis menutup kedutaan dan sekolah mereka untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Q    The French government has decided to temporarily close their embassies and schools in several Muslim countries after a satirical weekly, Charlie Hebdo, that published cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad.  Is the White House concerned that those cartoons might further fan the flames in the region?
MR. CARNEY:  Well, we are aware that a French magazine published cartoons featuring a figure resembling the Prophet Muhammad, and obviously, we have questions about the judgment of publishing something like this.  We know that these images will be deeply offensive to many and have the potential to be inflammatory.  But we’ve spoken repeatedly about the importance of upholding the freedom of expression that is enshrined in our Constitution.
In other words, we don’t question the right of something like this to be published; we just question the judgment behind the decision to publish it.  And I think that that’s our view about the video that was produced in this country and has caused so much offense in the Muslim world.
Now, it has to be said, and I’ll say it again, that no matter how offensive something like this is, it is not in any way justification for violence -- not in any way justification for violence.  Now, we have been staying in close touch with the French government as well as other governments around the world, and we appreciate the statements of support by French government officials over the past week, denouncing the violence against Americans and our diplomatic missions overseas.

22.02 WIB – Salman Rushdie, salah satu orang yang diburu Al-Qaeda berkomentar atas kasus Charlie Hebdo.

Religion, a mediaeval form of unreason, when combined with modern weaponry becomes a real threat to our freedoms. This religious totalitarianism has caused a deadly mutation in the heart of Islam and we see the tragic consequences in Paris today. I stand with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire, which has always been a force for liberty and against tyranny, dishonesty and stupidity. ‘Respect for religion’ has become a code phrase meaning ‘fear of religion.’ Religions, like all other ideas, deserve criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect.

21.55 WIB – Empat kartunis yang tewas dalam serangan ke Charlie Hebdo.

Menurut redditor u/CitronBleu,

I'd like to share who were some of the victims. First of all, Charlie Hebdo hit on absolutely everyone, this is why most of the french like it. There's not a politic, party, religion or extremism that was not sketched by their cartoonists.

Cabu was the real type of the 70's babacool, he used to draw cool sketchs with retard teenagers on the biggest kids show on french TV, people have grown up with his cool attitude and draws. His son was a famous troubled rocker in the 90's who died of AIDS. He was a convicted pacifist. He was 75 years old.

Wolinski was the typical sex obsessed and controversial cartoonist, he liked women and excesses, and was the most politic of all. He was 80 years old. His relation with Cabu has always been a love-hate relationship, but both were the 2 lasts original founder of Charlie Hebdo. Though their sense of humour and audience were different, Wolinski, who was very sick and sad after losing all his buddies, said recently he was scared to survive Cabu. They died together.

Charb was well known for his piss-shit sense of humour. "My only weapon is a pencil, I've no kids, no wife, I fear nothing. I'd die stood up rather than on my knees". He was 45 years old.
Tignous worked in a lot of french newspapers and magazines. He was 60 years old.

Bernard Maris was one of the most respected french keynesian economists. He's well known for being a usual consultant on TV news and magazines. He was there because he has a column in Charlie Hebdo. He was 68 years old.

Now, to compare for americans, imagine a riot killing Matt Groening, the Simpsons drawers and the authors who made your childhood and most of your laughs and giggles at school or at the office on the last 50 years. This is how France feels tonight.

21.50 WIB – Kartun terakhir Stephane Charbonnier (Charb) menggambarkan seorang teroris. KALIMAT ATAS: Masih belum ada serangan di Prancis. “Tunggu!” “Kami punya waktu sampai akhir Januari untuk memberi harapan terbaik.”

20.52 WIB – Menurut salah seorang saksi mata, pelaku tiga orang. Secara brutal masuk kantor redaksi dan menembaki mereka. “Mereka fasih berbicara Bahasa Prancis, dan mengaku anggota Al-Qaeda.”

19.40 WIB – Kapolda Paris Emmanuel Quemener menyatakan setidaknya 12 orang tewas. Sepuluh wartawan, dua polisi. Sementara lima lainnya dilaporkan cedera parah.

19.13 WIB – Pelaku terekam kamera sedang tembaki polisi untuk melarikan diri.

19.06 WIB – Kondisi terakhir di lokasi penembakan.

A video posted by Boris BLR ™ (@borisblr1) on

18.45 WIB – Penembakan terjadi saat rapat redaksi. Hampir seluruh wartawan Charlie Hebdo ada di kantor.

18.40 WIB – Salah satu korban tewas, pemimpin redaksi Charlie Hebdo pada September, 2012, Stephane Charbonnier pernah menyatakan, “A drawing has never killed anyone.” 

18.36 WIB – Sebelas orang dilaporkan tewas.

18.31 WIB – Presiden Prancis Francois Hollande langsung menuju lokasi.

18.27 WIB – Charlie Hebdo, majalah satir ini tak hanya menyentuh isu sensitif di agama Islam. Simak cover edisi Desember mereka.

Peta penyerangan Charlie Hebdo

18.13 WIB – Teror di Prancis, pelaku tembaki sejumlah orang di kantor Charlie Hebdo, majalah satir di kota tersebut.

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